Asset -- something of value to a company or individual
Beta -- a number that compares the volatility of a stock's price relative to that of the total market
Book Value -- the current value of an asset on a company's balance sheet according to its accounting conventions
Capital Appreciation -- how much the underlying value of a security has increased
Capital Gain -- the profit from the sale of a capital asset
Dividend Yield -- Annual Dividend/Price
Dollar Cost Averaging -- investing a constant amount in a security at regular intervals, regardless of fluctuations in market price
Earnings Per Share (EPS) -- the money that is left over after a company pays off all of its bills
Market Capitalization -- the current market value of all of a company's shares outstanding
NAIC -- National Association of Investors Corporation, a non-profit organization that provides educational materials and programs to individual investors and investment clubs
Price/Earnings Ratio (P/E) -- to get a sense of how expensive or cheap a stock is, look at earnings relative to the stock price = share price/earnings per share
Relative Strength -- rates the performance of a stock versus the performance of the market as a whole over a given time period
Revenues -- How much the company has sold over a given period
Utilities -- a business that provides a service essential to almost everyone
Volume -- the number of shares traded on a given day