Things to Consider:
Keep things lively, educational and efficient - meetings need not last longer than an hour and a half and it should feel like time well spent
Reading the minutes--first item on the agenda should be to read the minutes of the last gathering
Treasurer's report - financial partner announces bank and brokerage balances and the current value of the club's portfolio
Club Business - upcoming seminars, new members, etc
Stock Information Sheet - lists each stock owned, the number of shares held, the cost per share at time of purchase, total cost to the club
Stock Reports - each member reports on the stock followed
Stock Selection Committee Report - buy, sell, or hold? committee made of about three members recommends stocks until one is selected; one gives a succinct account of important factors to explain why the stock deserves consideration; open discussion after the stock has been presented; after a buy or sell motion is carried, disband the committee and ask for new volunteers
Educational Presentation - junior partner plans a 15 minute discussion on articles or a worksheet
New Business - important announcements and selecting a time or place for the next meeting